Welcome to my learning playground! Here you can explore a variety of interactive apps and modules that I designed to make learning fun and effective.
Have ideas or want to collaborate? Reach out – let’s create something awesome together!

Travelling Sound Board
Storytelling with sound effects

Holiday Maze
Objectives & skills: reading; listening; speaking

A Tour of Shakespeare's Home Town
Objectives & skills: engagement; listening

The Schwa Maze

Sentence Patterning Chart
Sentence building

Question Chart
Making questions; with Language Teacher Assistant

Asking subquestions for broad questions

Pronunciation; listening comprehension; minimal pairs

TH-Sound Board
Pronunciation; th-sound

Blunt to Pro
Corporate jargon converter

Pronunciation Maze

ThinkChat Buddy
ThinkChat Buddy for English Conversation Practice

Do You Believe in Magic?
Listening comprehension

Using polite English

The Homework Machine
Homework Choice Board

Christmas Idioms Scavenger Hunt
Christmas-related vocabulary