ADE Bulletin (Association of Departments of English)
American English for English Language Teachers around the World
Children’s Literature in English Language Education
Contemporary Issues In Education Research
College Composition & Communication
Educational Policy Analysis Archives
Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
English For Specific Purposes World
English Language Teacher Education and Development
English Language Teaching World Online
Instructed Second Language Acquisition
International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities
International Journal of English Literature, Language and Skills
Journal of Applied Language Studies
Journal of Language Teaching and Learning
Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation
Journal of Teaching English with Technology
Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment
Journal of Theory and Practice in Education
Journal for Expanded Perspectives on Learning
Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Culture and Composition
Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation
TASK | Journal on Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning