Confession time.
I like to add a personal touch to my presentations by sneaking in an Easter egg – or a couple – hidden surprises. I know they may go unnoticed (and in most cases, they do), but I love the idea that they’re there.
It could be a subtle animation, an image, a sound, or a reference only a sharp eye will catch. So, if you’ve ever attended my input sessions and spotted something unusual – yes, it was intentional.

A cup of Joe
Unless, of course, it was a technical hiccup – which happens, too!
Anyway, finding hidden objects in a picture is a great way to develop thinking skills, promote attention to detail, and build vocabulary. The activity I’m sharing today is based on the fantastic video Confessions of an Idiom.
I’ve already posted a few activities based on this video, but this one is a unique twist – a video-based scavenger hunt, much like a ‘find the hidden objects’ game, but in video form.
Before watching the film, go over the idioms and prepare a Scavenger Hunt or Bingo Card activity. The video contains 42 idioms – some appear in the script, while others are cleverly hidden in the visuals.
Choose the idioms you want your students to focus on and try to spot them in the video. Some will be quite tricky to find!
If you’re short on time, here’s something new to try: search within the video. This AI-powered tool – Imaginario AI – helps detect sounds, speech, and objects. Impressively, it worked well with the animated film – it found eggs and cheese and fish. I imagine it would do even better with real-life objects.

You can use the selected idioms as a Scavenger Hunt List or have students create a Bingo Card (see the procedure in Human Bingo). This provides students with an opportunity to get familiar with the idioms and their meanings.
Watching the video
The first time students watch the video, have them focus on the speech and try to spot the idioms. I’ve added captions, which should make it easier for them to catch the idioms being used.
The second time, pause the video whenever the scene changes and give students a moment to study and spot the hidden idioms.

If you’ve worked with this video and have a great activity to share, I’d love to feature it on this blog!